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McKee (CNRB)

Welcome to McKee Class!

Hello and welcome to our class page. McKee class is one of two Resource Base classes at Frogwell school. Our class is made up of mainly the older children across the two Resource Base classes (currently from Y3 to Y6).

Our staff team is made up of :-

  • Mrs Ward - Class teacher

Our wonderful teaching assistants are :-

  • Miss Marsh - Higher Level Teaching Assistant covering PPA on Tuesday
  • Miss Rankin teaching assistant 
  • Mrs Dubrie - Teaching Assistant 
  • Miss Fry - Teaching Assistant 
  • Mr Laroze - Teaching Assistant
  • Mrs Paris - Teaching Assistant

Please use Class Dojo to communicate with us, share information or if you have a question regarding your child or anything school related! We will use Class Dojo as a way to communicate with you about what your child has been doing in school, photographs of their learning and any questions we may have. 

Story sharing sessions happen every week. This is where we support all children in class, to share their stories about what they have been doing and would like to share with their friends. We use  information, photos and objects sent in from home.

For PE Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit in school ready for our sessions, which happen throughout the week. We will send them home at the end of the term to be washed.

Appropriate clothing for PE

  • Black/blue shorts or jogging bottoms
  • White t-shirt, please only send a T-shirt with the school logo on or plain white ( no other logos please)
  • Sensible footwear - daps or trainers (daps are preferable for indoor PE)

As the weather is getting colder, please always ensure your child brings a coat, hat and gloves into school every day.

Please also ensure that your child has a clean water bottle in school every day and a snack for mid-morning break. If they are in Year 2 and unlikely to eat the school provided snack, a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables would be ideal.

Click the links at the bottom of the page to find out about what we are learning. 

McKee team