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Zephaniah (Year 5 / 6)

Welcome to Zephaniah Class 

Our teacher is Miss Lesot 

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Crawley and Mr Nash

Term 3

This term we are learning about Ancient Greece and the influence this period had on the modern world. Our Art topic is also linked to this, we will be exploring Greek architecture and modem architecture. In Science, we will be learning about Light, including investigating shadows.  In Music, we will be starting our instrumental unit where we will learn how to play the recorder. Please scroll to the bottom of the page for detailed curriculum information and Knowledge Organisers.  


This term P.E will be on Monday and Friday. Year 5 will continue to work with Bath Rugby Foundation and Year 6 will be developing Outdoor Adventurous Activities. On Friday both classes will experience Drumba. We will be improving fitness and co-ordination with this fast-paced workout!

You will need to wear:

  • Plain black / navy shorts, plain white t-shirt or white t-shirt with school logo
  • Trainers for outdoor PE
  • Plain black / navy joggers and a plain black / navy sweatshirt or ‘hoodie’ may be worn for cold weather outdoor PE in the winter.
  • A blue school fleece with logo is also available
  •   Please do not wear different colours or clothes with other logos. 

Home Learning:

Year 6 children: To help you prepare for secondary school, you will have two short pieces of home learning a week. You will have some grammar homework on Wednesday to be returned the following Monday and maths and spelling homework set on Friday and is to be completed by the following Wednesday. In addition, you should read as much as you can and practise spellings and times tables. All learning will be set on Google Classroom and also paper copies will be provided. 

Year 5 children: You will have Maths and Spelling homework set on Friday and to be returned by the following Wednesday.