Jeffers (Year 2)
Welcome to Jeffers Class Term 2
This term we'll be writing a narrative inspired by 'The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jil Tomlinson Williams and post cards based on 'Meerkat Christmas' by Emily Cravett. We'll be continuing our learning about living things, this term focusing on habitats. In art we'll be practising our drawing skills and in music composing music inspired by birdsong and the 'carnival of the animals'. We'll also be investigating hot and cold climates around the world in our geography learning. As always, we will be doing lots of reading, as a whole class we will be reading 'The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark' and the poem 'T'was the Night before Christmas', as well as phased group reading 4x a week and reading for pleasure. There is a new magazine box to enjoy!
This term we will still have PE on Mondays and Thursdays, the Thursday session will be lead by a specialist sports coach this term. Both of these sessions will normally be outside. Please ensure children come in correct PE uniform on these days:
- Plain black / navy shorts, plain white t-shirt or white t-shirt with school logo
- Trainers for outdoor PE
- Plain black / navy joggers and a plain black / navy sweatshirt or ‘hoodie’ or a normal blue school jumper.
Please do not wear different colours or clothes with other logos.
Have a look at the curriculum map for Term 2 and knowledge organisers attached for more detailed information about our learning and to help you talk about this learning together. As always, come and speak to me at the door if you have any questions or comments, I'm always happy to chat.
I will set home learning on Fridays to be submitted via Google Classroom on Wednesdays. You can upload pictures of work, send a short comment or bring in paper work to show me. Home learning is a way for adults at home to be actively involved with the children's learning. I hope the tasks encourage fun learning together and rich conversations to deepen learning and engagement.
I am always happy to have a chat at the door or to arrange a time when needed, please don't hesitate to talk to me at drop off or pick up.
Mrs Akin.